Lord Of The Rings

The Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game is the tabletop game for 2 or more players that allows you to play through the events from The Lord of the Rings™ and The Hobbit™ with your collection of Citadel and Forge World models. Take control of your favourite heroes, villains and armies, recreate scenes from the movies and books, and gather your forces together to do battle with your opponent in a test of wits and prowess. This 208-page hardback rules manual is a comprehensive guide to the hobby of building, painting and playing games with your Middle-earth models, whether you choose the forces of Good or Evil.

LOTR: Rohan Stronghold

LOTR: Rohan Stronghold

Treebeard™, Mighty Ent

Treebeard™, Mighty Ent

Currently out of stock
Middle Earth Strategy Game: Armies Of The Lord Of The Rings
Lord of the Rings: Rohan Battlehost

Lord of the Rings: Rohan Battlehost

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Lord of the Rings: Minas Tirith Battlehost

Lord of the Rings: Minas Tirith Battlehost

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Lord of the Rings: Elrond Master of Rivendell

Lord of the Rings: Elrond Master of Rivendell

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LOTR: Fortress of Dol Guldur

LOTR: Fortress of Dol Guldur

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LOTR: Easterling Dice

LOTR: Easterling Dice

Currently out of stock
LOTR:  Defence of the North
Théoden, King of Rohan

Théoden, King of Rohan

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LoTR: Winged Nazgûl

LoTR: Winged Nazgûl

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Warriors of Rohan

Warriors of Rohan

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Morannon Orcs

Morannon Orcs

LOTR: Easterling Warriors
Lord of the rings: Uruk-Hai Warriors

Lord of the rings: Uruk-Hai Warriors

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Fellowship of the Ring

Fellowship of the Ring

LOTR: Mordor Troll - Isengard Troll

LOTR: Mordor Troll - Isengard Troll

Currently out of stock
LOTR:  Armies of the Lord of the Rings

LOTR: Armies of the Lord of the Rings

Currently out of stock