Games Workshop
Adeptus Titanicus Traitor Legio Stratagem Cards
As the Horus Heresy unfolded, the Titan Legions loyal to the Imperium and the traitor Warmaster diverged greatly in their tactics. Each Legion developed their own individual fighting styles, relying on different resources and strategies to achieve victory over their foes.
This set of 26 cards allows you to expand your tactical options in your games of Adeptus Titanicus, with new Tricks & Tactics, Ranged Support, Tertiary Objectives and a Battlefield Asset. Ten of these cards are usable by any Titan Legions, seven are only for Traitor Legions, and nine are specific to particular Legions – these includes the Legio Krytos, Legio Fureans, Legio Vulpa, Legio Mortis, Legio Vulcanum, Legio Interfector and Legio Tempestus.
This set contains 26 Stratagem cards:
- 9 x Traitor Legio-specific Strategem cards (2 for Legio Krytos, 1 for Legio Fureans, 1 for Legio Vulpa, 1 for Legio Mortis, 1 for Legio Vulcanum, 2 for Legio Interfector, 1 for Legio Tempestus).
- 10 x Strategem cards and 7 Traitor Strategem cards (10 Tricks & Tactics, 3 Ranged Support, 3 Tertiary Objectives, and 1 Battlefield Asset)