• Warlord Games Cruel Seas

Warlord Games

Warlord Games Cruel Seas

RRP £50.00Save £10.01

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The giant battleships and vast carriers, some still in service 60 years on, are striking reminders of the clash of navies in the drama that was the second world war. Ships with magnificent names and service are remembered today, mainly with affection and often in awe. The Bismarck, Yamato, Ark Royal, Warspite, Hornet, Missouri, just a few names of capital ships that will live on in legend. And so, they should, they were huge vessels bristling with weaponry and capable of enormous destructive power, ships that earned their famous names by deeds.

There was another type of vessel who also served, they were not launched to cheering crowds by Presidents’ wives or Monarchs or Chancellors; they carried no name, but only a number, and few if any are remembered now. Indeed, almost all of them have disappeared forever, as have their brave skillful crews who not only had to fight the cruel seas but an active and dangerous enemy.

These are the midget ships, the motor torpedo boats, the mine layers, the minesweepers, the S boats, the R boats, the light destroyers, the armed barges, the flack ships, the armed trawlers and Mas boats, the PT boats, the landing ships and all manner of strange and wonderful small ships that made up the coastal forces of the main belligerents in WWII.

In Cruel Seas, you take on the role of a naval crew manning their fragile coastal craft as they head out day and night to take on both the sea and the enemy.
Command your flotilla of small ships as they head out to attack a convoy, drop off Commandos for a behind-the-lines mission or task them with one of the other myriads of missions this small and versatile craft would perform.
Be it the Coastal waters of England or across the Channel to France, on to the Mediterranean waters or on further to the vast Island chains of the Pacific, Cruel Seas will ensure your small ships see plenty of adrenaline-fueled action.

  • A4 softback rule book
  • A4 quick start guide with painting guides and flags
  • 3 Plastic early Vosper motor torpedo boats
  • 3 Plastic late Vosper motor torpedo boats
  • 2 plastic S-38 E-boats
  • 2 plastic armored S-100 E-boats
  • 1 plastic torpedo markers sprue
  • 1 plastic plume markers sprue
  • 1 A0 double-sided battle mat
  • 3x die-cut punch boards (islands, sandbars, rulers, mines markers, game tokens, lighthouse, aircraft, etc)
  • Ship data cards for early and late Vosper MTBs, S-boats and merchant/tanker
  • Small, medium and large wake sheets
  • 2 sets of fleet dice (Royal Navy and Kriegsmarine)
  • 1 set of game dice