• Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts

Games Workshop

Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts

RRP £27.50Save £7.51

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Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts lets you customise your champions with a selection of sinister artefacts, as well as a blood-drenched spell lore that allows you to enhance the dark strength of your units. The included Path to Glory rules and bespoke missions are perfect for learning your army’s rules, while for collectors, a showcase of beautifully painted miniatures, alternative colour schemes and painting tips are fantastic for inspiring your own army.

This book contains:
- 13 warscrolls, 3 Endless Spell warscrolls and a warscroll for the Charnel Throne terrain piece.
- 9 warscroll battalions that reward themed armies with special rules
- The Lore of Madness – a special set of spells for Flesh-eater Courts Wizards
- Background, allegiance abilities, command traits and artefacts of power for each of the following Grand Courts: Morgaunt, Hollowmourne, Blisterskin, and Gristlegore
- A gallery of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures to inspire your own work
- Pitched Battle profiles for all units

If you’re looking to conquer the Mortal Realms with dark magic, sinister tricks and savage force, this is the army for you!