• Battletome: Stormcast Eternals 3rd

Games Workshop

Battletome: Stormcast Eternals 3rd

RRP £32.50Save £4.89

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Est. stock arriving on February 20th

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The Stormcast Eternals – supernatural warriors forged in Azyr, each the embodiment of Sigmar’s storm. The heavens roar and the sky crashes, split by searing bolts from above. With an explosion of lightning and a booming thunderclap, the forces of the Stormcast Eternals manifest in reality and plunge into battle. Energised by the magical tempest, they launch their attack, weapons wreathed in celestial energy. Razor-edged blades rise and fall, and heavy hammers swing in an onslaught that batters down all before it. Theirs is the fury of the heavens unleashed.